Luca Lashes Learns to Brush His Teeth App Review
Like many kids, my boys love to play with my iPad. They watch educational shows, play games, and most recently, they read and listen to stories. One of their favorite reading adventures is Luca Lashes!...
View ArticleAn Airport, One Mom, Two Toddlers: Tips for Traveling with Kids
Facing an incredibly long Winter break from the school, we opted to escape to the warmer climate of Florida. The one small catch was that this trip consisted of being out numbered by toddlers as I flew...
View ArticleWhat Moms Really Want For Mother's Day
Every year someone posts on Facebook asking what moms want for Mother’s Day. Our husbands ask, our kids ask, but we always end up with the same thing: flowers, candy, brunch. This year let’s unite as...
View ArticleMama Boxes: Helping Moms One Trimester at a Time
In full disclosure, we received a Mama Box sample in exchange for our honest review. As a first time “soon-to-be-mom”, looking at all of the different products geared towards pregnant women seemed a...
View ArticleHow Disney Pixar’s Inside Out Made Me Think About Life
This past weekend, my family and I went to see the new Disney Pixar movie Inside Out. I love every Disney Pixar movie so I knew this one would be amazing too. What I didn’t know, however, is how much...
View ArticleRelax, Unwind and Rejuvenate at The Spa at The Hotel Hershey
In full disclosure, I was provided with a Cocoa Massage in exchange for my honest review. All moms need a break. We need time to ourselves to recharge our batteries and regain some semblance of what we...
View ArticleDinner for Two at The Hotel Hershey
In full disclosure, our dining experience at Trevi 5 was covered by The Hotel Hershey in exchange for our honest review. I have been visiting Hershey almost every year since I was a little girl, but I...
View ArticleThank God for Girlfriends!
It’s great to talk to our husbands but let’s be honest, it’s not the same as good old-fashioned girl talk. Men don’t want to delve into their emotions, think about things way too deeply or gossip. They...
View Article10 Brain Boosting Adventures with Dad
These days parents are so busy working that it’s hard to find time to enjoy quality time together. kids long to spend time with their dad but due to school, work and sports this does not happen as...
View Article5 Tips for a Successful School Year (and More Healthy Back to School Tips)
The kids are back to school – are you ready? Lunches, snacks and good nutrition, as well as more free time for parents, homework struggles and organization. Gina of Embracing Imperfect decided to...
View ArticleTips for Helping Children Cope with Grief
It is so hard to explain death to a child, and it can be even harder to help them understand death and the grieving process. If you haven’t done so already, please read my article explaining how I...
View ArticleState of the Art: How to Make Your Own Art Wall
Whether your children are in daycare, homeschooled, or traditional school, they will come home with art. Some of it will impress you and be pieces you cherish and others you will attempt to discard in...
View Article4 Great Places to Get Active with Your Bundleme by JJ Cole Collections
In full disclosure, we received a JJ Cole Collections Bundleme in exchange for our honest review. Before my son was born this past August I envisioned myself going for walks with my baby a week after...
View ArticleSometimes All They Need Is Time
When our kids are born, we all have hopes and dreams for them. We want them to be good students, good athletes, kind to others, healthy, loved…I can go on forever! We especially want them to be able to...
View ArticleThe Christmas Pickle Tradition
Most families have holiday traditions. Whether it is one that has been passed on for generations or one that was just created, traditions are a fun way to bring family members together to celebrate....
View ArticlePrevent Bullying By Being a Cool Kind Kid
We hear about it every day. In school, on the playground, on the soccer field, in the mall, it’s everywhere! So what am I talking about? Bullying! Whether it’s on the news, in the paper, at an assembly...
View ArticleTake a Holidaze Break: Christmas Movie Activities
As we approach Christmas, there is one guilty pleasure that most families adhere to which is watching holiday movies. From the classic clay animation films from our childhood of Frosty to the surreal...
View Article10 Benefits of Preschool
I am so excited to partner with Noodle to help parents make more informed decisions about their child’s education. Noodle offers the largest and most comprehensive online preschool search which takes...
View ArticleShutterfly: Making Memories Last Forever
I am so excited to partner with Shutterfly. As a long time customer, I am very happy to be chosen to share their amazing products with you. I was invited to try their new Make My Book service and...
View ArticleGet Inspired with Savory Magazine
I am so excited to have been chosen by GIANT Food Stores and Build Your Influence Summit to share with you some of the amazing reasons why you should check out Savory Magazine which can be found in...
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